Tuesday, October 20, 2009

***SPAM*** Hey spammer: stick your spam emails up your @$$ – big guy! : )

Scum slang One, such as a person or an element of society, that is regarded as despicable or worthless.

Everyone is scum these days. From child-o-philes “Hang this scum!” to terroririzerists “Bomb this scum!” to striking postal workers “Sack this scum!”

Being of liberal mind and action, right up to the point where it might cause me personal inconvenience, I thought I’d add to the roll call of Scum In Our Society:

Spammers are scum. There, I’ve said it.

I probably get around 50-80 spam emails every day. I have an ancient email address,
and apparently this explains the high number of messages. I’ve got filtering software – but you need to keep an eye on what it’s deleted. Who knows what you might miss? Nothing, probably – but you never know.

I hate spammers' pointless, poorly-written messages about utter crap. Hate their nonsensical subject headers and fabricated, hybrid names: ‘Carmichael Muriel'; ‘Grady Woodland’. Hate the fact that there are enough gullible twats out there to make it worthwhile for spammers to spam.

Most of the time they read like Richie Cunningham and Potsie have composed the content, perhaps with assistance from Austin Powers: “Hey man – you can be the cool dude!” “The king of the mattress will keep her up – all night!”Show her you’re the big guy!”

Senders and subject headers of recently-received spam emails:

From: Hildegard Beary
Subject: Very elegant. How's for you?

From: Your Pharmacy
Subject: Take and poke her!

From: Garland Ygegeuyt
Subject: Unblock my primary mail! :)

From: Neva Platt
Subject: If you had a larger thing in pants, your life would have been better

They're ruining email – a genuinely useful tool for forwarding jokes and amusing video clips, wasting time at work and declining well-meant invitations to social events. So I say **** off, you pointless spamming bastards. Hang them - from electric chairs in a cell whose key has been thrown away.